
Showing posts from April, 2020

Electricity Metering Segment in India: L& T Meters

Electricity Metering Segment in India: L& T Meters: The challenge of the reliability and cost effectiveness of electricity metering in India is a major constraint for many utility companies. Besides this, they have to implement these metering systems in an appropriate manner as per the electrical utility provider's interests. So, in order to solve the reliability and cost-effectiveness issues, the various metering solutions provided by different utility companies are either outdated or under construction stage. The only way to get the best and timely results for all stakeholders is to introduce the wireless technology into the equation. When the electricity metering system was first introduced in India, it was based on the old and outdated meters. This means that it used to follow a manual mechanism and it also took a lot of time before a meter was switched on. In case of a real estate and real property related firms, this meant that they had to change the meters on a r

What is Industrial Automation

What is Industrial Automation? Many people think that this is something like a machine which is made up of a number of gears and belts. However, to understand what this is, you need to know that the machines used in industries can perform a number of functions, some are being automated now while others are not. You need to understand that the term ' Industrial Automation ' covers all processes and systems which are made up of multiple gears and belts. The machines that we use in the day to day life such as the ones we run our houses or our factories have been replaced by these machines, which now manage our lives and our activities with ease. What is Industrial Automation? It is a process of science, which makes use of the mechanical power of some machines and computers to make a variety of products and services which are needed by people. It is a process which makes use of industrial power and automation for smooth operation of many different processes. The concept of In